Líneas de investigación:
Biología y Ecología de invertebrados; Biología reproductiva; Ecología larval; Biodiversidad y Taxonomía; Zoología.
Correo electrónico:
+56 41 220 1329
- 2017-2021. Proyecto de Iniciación en Investigación FONDECYT 11170617. “Assessing the effects of environmental variability on cephalopods’ life-history traits: distribution and ecological roles of short-lived species across southeast Pacific boundaries” (Investigador Principal; UCN-ESMOI).
- 2018-2019. Proyecto REDES FONDECYT 180194. “Macroecology of south Pacific oceanic islands: extending networks for an integrative approach” (Co-investigador; UCN-ESMOI).
- 2020-2022. Proyecto FIPA 2020-20. “Genética poblacional de Dosidicus gigas presente en territorio nacional” (Co-investigador; UAB).
- 2021-2023. Proyecto INACH FONDECYT RT_07_20. “Evolution below the ice: Antarctic phylogeography in chitons with different reproductive strategies (Co-investigador; UAB).
- 2023-2025. Proyecto FONDEF ID23I10353. “Evaluación de la explotación comercial del erizo de espinas largas como una alternativa para enfrentar los impactos negativos de su sobrepoblación y oportunidad para diversificar la pesquería artesanal del Archipiélago de Juan Fernández (Co-investigador; UCSC).
- 2024-2028. Proyecto FONDECYT Regular 1241836. “Social-ecological transformations in traditional small-scale octopus fisheries in the southeast Pacific” (Investigador Principal; UdeC).
Publicaciones WOS
1) Carrasco S.A., E. Meerhoff, B. Yannicelli, C.M. Ibáñez. 2019. First records and descriptions of early life stages of cephalopods from Rapa Nui (Easter Island) and the nearby Apolo seamount. Pacific Science 73 (1):161–174.
2) Ibáñez, C.M., H. Braid, S.A. Carrasco, D.A. López-Cordova, G. Torretti, P.A. Camus. 2019 Zoogeographic patterns of pelagic oceanic cephalopods along the eastern Pacific Ocean. Journal of Biogeography 46 (6): 1260–1273.
3) Muñoz-Cordovez, R., L. de la Maza, A. Pérez-Matus, S.A. Carrasco. 2019. Embryonic and larval traits of the temperate damselfish Chromis crusma reveal important similarities with other Pomacentridae throughout the family’s thermal range. Journal of Fish Biology 95 (2): 613–623.
4) Ibáñez, C.M., J. Pérez-Álvarez, J. Catalán, S.A. Carrasco, M.C. Pardo-Gandarillas, E.L. Rezende. 2019. Sexual selection and the evolution of male reproductive traits in benthic octopuses. Frontiers in Physiology 10:1238. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01238.
5) Ibáñez, C.M., M. Waldisperg, F.I. Torres, S.A. Carrasco, J. Sellanes, M.C. Pardo-Gandarillas, J. Sigwart. 2019. Environmental and ecological factors mediate taxonomic composition and body size of polyplacophoran assemblages along the Peruvian Province. Scientific Reports 9:15934.
6) Sauer, W.H., I.G. Gleadall, N. Downey-Breedt, Z. Doubleday, G. Gillespie, M. Haimovici, C.M. Ibáñez, O.N. Katugin, S. Leporati, M. Lipinski, U. Markaida, J.E. Ramos, R. Rosa, R. Villanueva, J. Arguelles, F.A. Briceño, S.A. Carrasco, et al. 2019. World octopus fisheries. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture. DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2019.1680603.
7) Carrasco, S.A., A.I. Varela, C.M. Ibáñez, J. Sellanes, M. Thiel. 2020. Paralarval and juvenile stages as a proxy of cephalopod diversity in the Juan Fernández and Desventuradas Ecoregion, Southeast Pacific Ocean. Bulletin of Marine Science 96 (2): 263–280. DOI: 10.5343/bms.2019.0055.
8) Ibáñez, C.M., M. Fenwick, P.A. Ritchie, S.A. Carrasco, M.C. Pardo-Gandarillas. 2020. Systematics and phylogenetic relationships of New Zealand benthic octopuses (Cephalopoda: Octopodoidea). Frontiers in Marine Science 7:182.
9) Carrasco, S.A., M. Bravo, E. Avilés, P. Ruiz, A. Yori, I.A. Hinojosa. 2021. Exploring overlooked components of remote Southeast Pacific oceanic islands: larval and macrobenthic assemblages in reef habitats with distinct underwater soundscapes. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3359.
10) Ibáñez, C.M., M. Díaz-Santana-Iturrios, D.A. López-Córdova, S.A. Carrasco, M.C. Pardo-Gandarillas, F. Rocha, E.A.G. Vidal. 2021. A phylogenetic approach to understand the evolution of reproduction in coleoid cephalopods. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2020.106972.
11) Zapata-Hernández, G., J. Sellanes, Y. Letourneur, C. Harrod, N. Morales, P. Plaza, E. Meerhoff, B. Yannicelli, S.A. Carrasco, I. Hinojosa, C.F. Gaymer. 2021. Tracing trophic pathways through the marine ecosystem of Rapa Nui (Easter Island). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3500.
12) Carrasco, S.A., M. Bravo, C.M. Ibáñez, G. Zapata-Hernández. 2021. Discrete spawning aggregations of the loliginid squid Doryteuthis gahi reveal life-history interactions of a dwarf morphotype at the center of its distribution range. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 616116.
13) Muñoz-Cordovez, R., S.A. Carrasco, F.P. Ojeda, A. Pérez-Matus. 2021. Predator tactics and prey densities modulate the strength of trophic interactions in a temperate rocky reef. Marine Biology 168:38.
14) Villanueva, R., M. Coll-Lladó, L. Bonnaud-Ponticelli, S.A. Carrasco, O. Escolar, F.Á. Fernández-Álvarez, I.G. Gleadall, J. Nabhitabhata, N. Ortiz, C. Rosas, P. Sánchez, J.R. Voight, J. Swoger. 2021. Born with bristles: new insights on the Kölliker’s organs of octopus skin. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 645738.
15) Ibáñez, C.M., M. Díaz-Santana-Iturrios, S.A. Carrasco, F.A. Fernández-Álvarez, D.A. López-Córdova, C.F. Cornejo, N. Ortiz, F. Rocha, E.A.G. Vidal, M.C. Pardo-Gandarillas 2021. Macroevolutionary trade-offs and trends in life history traits of cephalopods through a comparative phylogenetic approach. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:707825.
16) Ibáñez, C.M., J. Bravo, S.A. Carrasco, M.J. Carter, M.A. Aguilera. 2021. Grazer commensalism varies across the species range edge: host size influences epibiont incidence and spatial segregation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 674: 131–141.
17) Ibáñez, C.M., G.A. Bazzino, M. Gallardo, G. Saldías, R. Rosa, S.A. Carrasco. 2023. Historical mass strandings of jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the Eastern Pacific Ocean: patterns and possible causes. Marine Biology 170:28.
18) Cifuentes, V., A. Pérez-Matus, M. Fernández, C.M. Ibáñez, S.A. Carrasco. 2023. Behavioral and chromatic dynamics describing mating interactions of the South American octopus Robsonella fontaniana (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae). Regional Studies in Marine Sciences 66:103121.
19) Pardo-Gandarillas M.C., S.A. Carrasco, A.I. Varela, C.M. Ibáñez (Accepted with changes). Systematic and biogeography of two sympatric octopuses from the remote Juan Fernandez Archipelago, South Pacific Ocean. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.
Capítulos de libros:
1) Ibáñez, C.M., S.A. Carrasco, M. Díaz-Santana-Iturrios, R. Cisneros, M.C. Pardo-Gandarillas. Chapter 8. Octopus mimus, The Changos’ octopus. In. Biology and Ecology of Octopods. R. Rosa, I.G. Gleadall, G. Pierce, R. Villanueva (Eds) (1st Edition; June 1, 2024; 482 pp; Elsevier).
1) Carrasco S.A. 2019. Te heke e te ngu o Rapa Nui o te rauhuru motu o te moana nui a kiva: Pulpos y Calamares en Rapa Nui y otras islas del Pacífico. Moe Varua 38: 6-9.
2) Carrasco S.A. 2020. Explorando la fauna invisible en los arrecifes de Juan Fernández y Rapa Nui. In. Explorando los secretos del mar de las islas oceánicas chilenas. M. Portflitt Toro and M. Thiel (Eds). 46-49 p.
3) Entrevista para artículo online: “El asombroso mundo de los pulpos: la hazaña de la naturaleza en las criaturas de ocho brazos”. Ladera Sur, noviembre 2020 (https://laderasur.com/articulo/el-asombroso-mundo-de-los-pulpos-una-hazana-de-la-naturaleza-de-ocho-brazos/).
Congresos Nacionales:
1) 2024. XLIII Congreso de Ciencias del Mar. Concepción, Chile.
– Carrasco, S.A, A.I. Varela, J. Sellanes, C.M. Ibáñez. Diversidad y aspectos de historia de vida de cefalópodos en el Archipiélago de Juan Fernández.
– Vera-Duarte, J., Carrasco, S.A, C.F. Gaymer, A. Friedlander, R.A. Wahle, A. Palma, I.A. Hinojosa. Explorando el establecimiento del erizo de mar de espinas largas Centrostephanus sylviae en el Archipiélago de Juan Fernández: amenazas y futuros esfuerzos de conservación.
Congresos Internacionales:
1) 2018. Cephalopod International Advisory Council Conference & Paralarvae ID-Guide Workshop. St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
– Carrasco, S.A., C.M. Ibáñez, A.I. Varela, J. Sellanes, M. Thiel. Early life-history stages provide insights on cephalopod fauna inhabiting oceanic islands in the Juan Fernández and Desventuradas Ecoregion.
– Carrasco, S.A., V. Cifuentes, M. Fernández, A. Pérez-Matus. Reproductive behaviour and mating strategy in the pygmy octopus, Robsonella fontaniana.
– Ibáñez, C.M., J. Pérez-Álvarez, J, Catalán, S.A. Carrasco, M.C. Pardo-Gandarillas. Phylogenetic allometry and evolution of male reproductive traits in benthic octopuses.