Líneas de investigación:
Ecología, Taxonomía y Diversidad de Macroalgas.
Sitio web:
- 2020/2023. Impactos de la acidificación y calentamiento de los océanos en los mecanismos de adquisición de carbono (CCMs) de macroalgas Antárticas: una aproximación fenotípica y genética. RT_03-19. Proyectos de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Antártica – INACH
- 2019/2022. Founder Takes All? Tracking the colonisation of New Zealand’s newly uplifted shores. Marsden Fund, New Zealand.
- 2015/2025. Centro de Investigación Dinámica de Ecosistemas Marinos de Altas Latitudes (IDEAL) 15150003; Fondo de Financiamiento de Centros de Investigación en Áreas Prioritarias (Fondap).
- 2015/2020. Núcleo Milenio de Ecología y Manejo Sustentable de Islas Oceánicas (Ecology and Sustainable Management of Oceanic Islands en adelante ESMOI).
1. Fraser C. I., Dutoit L., Morrison A. K., Pardo L. M., Smith S. D. A., Pearman W. S., Parvizi E., Waters J.M. & Macaya E. C. Southern Hemisphere coasts are biologically connected by frequent, long-distance rafting events. 2022. Current Biology 32: 3154-3160.
2. Mora-Soto A., Aguirre C., Iriarte J.L., Palacios M., Macaya E. C., & Macias-Fauria M. 2022. A song of wind and ice increased frequency of marine cold-spells in southwestern Patagonia and their possible effects on giant kelp forests. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 127: e2021JC017801.
3. Montes, E., J.S. Lefcheck, E. Guerra-Castro, E. Klein, M.T. Kavanaugh, A.C.A. Mazzuco, G. Bigatti, C.A.M.M. Cordeiro, N. Simoes, E.C. Macaya, N. Moity, E. Londoño-Cruz, B. Helmuth, F. Choi, E.H. Soto, P. Miloslavich, and F.E. Muller-Karger. 2021. Optimizing large-scale biodiversity sampling effort: Toward an unbalanced survey design. Oceanography 34(2).
4. Valdivia, N., Garcés-Vargas, J., Garrido, I., Gómez, I., Huoninen, P., Navarro, N., Macaya, E. C., & Pardo, L. 2021. Beta diversity of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic benthic communities reveals a major role of stochastic assembly processes. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:780268.
5. Cruz-Motta JJ., Miloslavich P., Guerra-Castro E., Hernández-Agreda A., Herrera C., Klein E., Barros F., Navarrete S A., Sepúlveda R., Glasby TM., Bigatti G., Cárdenas-Calle M., Carneiro PBM., Carranza A., Flores A., Gil-Kodaka P., Gobin J., Gutiérrez J., Klein E., Krull M., Lazarus J F., Londoño-Cruz E., Lotufo T., Macaya E. C., Mora E., Palomo G., Parragué M., Pellizzari F., Retamales R., Rocha R., Romero. In press. Latitudinal patterns of species diversity on South American rocky shores: Local processes lead to contrasting trends in regional and local species diversity. Journal of Biogeography.
6. Mora-Soto A., Palacios M., Macaya E. C., Gómez I., Huovinen P., Pérez-Matus A., Young M., Golding N., Toro M., Yaqub M., Macias-Fauria M. 2020. A high-resolution global map of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) forests and intertidal green algae (Ulvophyceae) with Sentinel-2 imagery. Remote Sensing. 12, 694.
7. Fraser C. I., Velásquez M., Nelson, W, Macaya E. C & Hay, C. 2020. The evolutionary importance of buoyancy in macroalgae: a case study of the southern bull-kelp genus Durvillaea (Phaeophyceae), including descriptions of two new species. Journal of Phycology. 56: 26-33.
8. Diaz-Tapia P., Maggs C.A., Nelson W., Macaya E. C. & Verbruggen H. 2020 Reassessment of the genus Lophurella (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) from Australia and New Zealand reveals four cryptic species. European Journal of Phycology. 55: 113-128.
9. Velásquez M., Fraser C. I., Nelson, W, Tala F. & Macaya E. C. 2020. Concise Review of the genus Durvillaea Bory of Saint-Vincent, 1825. In: Synopses of biological data on seaweeds of current and future economic value. Journal of Applied Phycology. 32: 3-21.
10. Küpper F. C., Peters A. K., Kytinou E., Asensi A. O., Vieira C., Macaya E. C. & De Clerck O. 2019. Dictyota falklandica sp. nov. (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) from the Falkland Islands and southernmost South America. Phycologia. 58: 640-647.
11. Musrri, C.A., Poore, A.G.B., Hinojosa, I.A., Macaya E.C., Pacheco, A.S., Perez-Matus, A., Pino-Olivares, O., Stotz, W., Valdivia, N., Villalobos, V. & Thiel, M. 2019. Variation in consumer pressure along 2,500 km in a major upwelling system: crab predators are more important at higher latitudes. Marine Biology. 166: 142.
12. Bringloe T. T., Macaya E. C., & Saunders G. W. 2019. The phylogeographic history of amphitropical Callophyllis variegata (Florideophyceae, Rhodophyta) in the Pacific Ocean. Algae. 34: 91-97.
13. Tala F, Lopez B., Velásquez M, Jeldres, R., Macaya E. C., Mansilla A, Ojeda, J., & Thiel M. 2019. Long-term persistence of the floating bull kelp Durvillaea antarctica from the South-East Pacific: potential contribution to local and transoceanic connectivity. Marine Environmental Research. 149: 67-79.
14. Valdivia, N, Pardo, L, Macaya, EC, Huoninen, P & Gómez, I. 2019. Different ecological mechanisms lead to similar grazer controls of the functioning of periphyton communities from Antarctic and sub-Antarctic communities. Progress in Oceanography. 174: 7-16.
15. Lopez B., Macaya E. C., Jeldres, R., Valdivia, N., Bonta, C. C., Tala F., & Thiel M. 2019. Spatio-temporal variability of strandings of the southern bull kelp Durvillaea antarctica (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) on beaches along the coast of Chile – linked to local storms. Journal of Applied Phycology 31:2159–2173
16. Díaz-Tapia, P., Maggs, C., Macaya, E. C., Verbruggen H. 2018. Widely distributed red algae often represent hidden introductions, complexes of cryptic species or species with strong phylogeographic structure. Journal of Phycology. 54: 829-839.
17. Salavarría, E., Macaya, E. C., Gil-Kodaka, P., Paul, S. & Troccoli, L. 2018. Haplotype diversity of Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyceae: Laminariales) in the central and southern coast of Peru. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences. 13: 311-319.
18. Fraser C. I., Morrison A. K., Hogg A., Macaya E. C., Van Sebille E., Ryan P. G., Padovan A., Jack C., Valdivia N., and Waters J.M. 2018. Antarctica’s ecological isolation will be broken by storm-driven dispersal and warming. Nature Climate Change. 8: 704-708.
19. López B., Macaya EC, Rivadeneira M., Tala F., Tellier F. & Thiel M. 2018. Epibiont communities on stranded kelp rafts of Durvillaea antarctica (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) – do positive interactions facilitate range extensions? Journal of Biogeography. 45: 1883-1845.
20. Villaseñor-Parada, C., Pauchard, A., Ramírez., M. E. & Macaya EC. 2018. Macroalgas exóticas en la costa de Chile continental: patrones espaciales y temporales en el proceso de invasión. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 46: 147-165.
21. Santiañez, W. J. E., Macaya EC., Lee, K. M., Cho, G. Y., Boo, S. M. & Kogame, K. 2018. Taxonomic reassessment of the Indo-Pacific Scytosiphonaceae (Phaeophyceae): Hydroclathrus rapanuii sp. nov. and Chnoospora minima from Easter Island, with proposal of Dactylosiphon gen. nov. and Pseudochnoospora gen. nov. Botanica Marina. 61: 47-63
22. López B., Tellier F., Retamal-Alarcón JC, Pérez-Araneda K, Fierro A., Macaya EC., Tala F. & Thiel M. 2017. Phylogeography of two intertidal seaweeds, Gelidium lingulatum and G. rex (Rhodophyta: Gelidiales), along the South East Pacific – patterns explained by rafting dispersal? Marine Biology. 164:188
23. Villaseñor-Parada, C., Pauchard, A., & Macaya EC. 2017. Ecología de invasiones marinas en Chile continental: ¿qué sabemos y que nos falta por saber? Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía. 52: 1-17.
24. López B., Macaya EC., Tala F., Tellier F., & Thiel M. 2017. The variable routes of rafting: stranding dynamics of floating bull-kelp Durvillaea antarctica (Fucales, Phaeophyceae). Journal of Phycology. 53: 70-84.
1. Macaya E.C., González Garraza G., Navarro N. P., Ramírez M. E., Albornoz, W., Bagur M., Basualdo J. P., Bessega F., Cáceres-Ccaccya D., Jeldres R., Kaminsky J., López E., Marcangeli M., Matula, C. Monachesi R., Novoa L., Perez-Alania M., Reyes-Gómez V., Poblet C. T., Bentivoglio E., Salas J., Silva M. R. 2021. Guía fotográfica: Macroalgas marinas de Ushuaia. Segunda Edición. Editora Cultural Tierra del Fuego. Ushuaia. Argentina. 88 pp. ISBN: 978-987-3642-66-1
2. Jofre J., Dubrasquet H., Ramírez M.E., Navarro N.P. & Macaya, E.C. 2021 Guía de Macroalgas Subantárticas: Región de Magallanes y Antártica Chilena. Primera Edición, Punta Arenas, Chile, 160 pp. ISBN 978-956-404-851-2
3. Macaya E.C., González Garraza G., Navarro N. P., Ramírez M. E., Albornoz, W., Bagur M., Basualdo J. P., Bessega F., Cáceres-Ccaccya D., Jeldres R., Kaminsky J., López E., Marcangeli M., Matula, C. Monachesi R., Novoa L., Perez-Alania M., Reyes-Gómez V., Poblet C. T., Bentivoglio E., Salas J., Silva M. R. 2020. Guía fotográfica: Macroalgas marinas de Ushuaia. Primera Edición. Concepción, Chile. 72 pp. ISBN: 978-956-402-014-3