Líneas de investigación:
Biogeoquimica marina, cambio climático y ciclo de nutrientes
Correo electrónico:
41- 266 1240
Sitio Web:
- FONDECYT. What’s in the rain: The biogeochemical role of precipitation in the coastal ocean. (Fernandez PI; ANID; 2024-2027).
- BASAL-COPAS Coastal. Center of oceanographic research in the eastern south pacific (COPAS Coastal; PI, Directrice du centre 2021-2026). ANID agency, Basal funding. Projet multi-institutionnel, budget annuel 1 million de USD.
- AUB2200012 Carbon fluxes and plankton diversity in the climatic transition zone of central southern Chile (Fernandez PI; ANID, 2023).
- VRIM2022. (Pi, 2022). Entre glaciers et fiordes. Projet de vulgarisation scientifique.
- FONDECYT # 1211977. (co-PI, 2021-2023). Methane and ammonia oxidation interactions and their effect on greenhouse gases in ecosystems with diverse methane and nitrogen sources.
- ANR (Researcher, 2020-2024) RESTORE: Microbial responses to terrestrial dissolved organic matter input in freshwater and marine ecosystems in a changing environment. ANR, France.
- CNRS (Investigador, 2019-2020) BIOGEOPLAST: Impact des microplastiques sur les cycles biogéochimiques et les microorganismes en milieu marin, France.
- VR1213-2019 (co-PI, 2019) Fondos centenario para organización de eventos cientificos. Universidad de Concepcion.
- FONDECYT# 1180954 (PI. 2018-2021) Organic matter aggregations: sources or sink of nutrients for the future ocean?
- FONDECYT#1171324 (co-PI. 2017-2020) Nitrite loop in aquatic ecosystems, an example of environmental microbiome cooperation on nitrogen cycle
- FONDAP-IDEAL (Associated researcher; 2015-2020). Research Centre for teh Dynamics of high latitude and antarctic ecosystems.
- REDES (co-PI) 2019-2020 ROMTOX Refractary Organic Matter toxicity. ANID, Chile.
Publicaciones (últimos 5 años):
Poblete-Ulloa, J., Gutiérrez, M., Lange, C., Narváez, D., Montero, P., González, H., Fernández C., Freshwater discharge drives latitudinal changes of phytoplankton composition on the continental shelf off Chilean Patagonia. JOurnal of marine systems. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2024.103993
Zhibo S , Xu ,Y, Wang, H, Luo, W, Wang, L, Huang, Y, Agawin, S, Ahmed, A, Benavides, M, Bentzon-Tilia, M, Berman-Frank,I, Berthelot,H, Biegala, I, Bif, M ,Bode, A, Bonnet, S, Bronk, D, Brown, M, Campbell,L, Capone, D, Carpenter, E, Cassar, N, Chang, B, Chappell, D, Chen, L, Church, M, Cornejo-Castillo, F, Detoni, A, Doney, S, Dupouy, C, Estrada,M, Fernandez, C et al., Global oceanic diazotroph database version 2 and elevated estimate of global oceanic N2 fixation. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-15-3673-2023.
Jara, B, Srain, B, Aranda, M, Fernandez, C, Pantoja-Gutiérrez, P, Méjanelle, L.
Water-sediment partitioning of flumequine and florfenicol, two antibiotics used in salmon aquaculture in Chile. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113480
Reyes-Macaya, D, Hoogakker, D, Martínez-Méndez, G, Llanillo, P, Grasse,P, Mohtadi, M, Mix, A, Leng, M, Struck, U, McCorkle, D, Troncoso, M, Gayo,E, Lange, C, Farias, L, Carhuapoma, W, Graco, M, Cornejo-D’Ottone, M, De Pol Holz, R, Fernandez, C, et al
Isotopic characterization of water masses in the Southeast Pacific region: Paleoceanography implications. Journal of Geophysical Research. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JC017525.
Valdés-Castro, V., Gonzalez, H., Giesecke, R., Fernandez, C., Molina, V. Assessment of microbial community composition changes in the presence of phytoplankton derived exudates in two contrasting areas from Chilean Patagonia. Diversity, 14(3), 195. https://doi.org/10.3390/d14030195
Núnez-Acuna, G, Fernandez, C, Sanhueza-Guevara, S, Gallardo- Escarate, C., Transcriptome profiling of the early developmental stages in the giant mussel Choromytilus chorus exposed to delousing drugs. Marine Genomics 65. 100970, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margen.2022.100970
Maturana- Martinez, C., iriarte, JL, Ha, S, Lee, B, Ahn, I, Vernet, M, Cape, M, Fernandez C, Gonzalez , H, Galand, P. Biogeography of Southern Ocean Active Prokaryotic Communities Over a Large Spatial Scale. Frontiers in Microbiology. Volume 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.862812
Valdes, V,. Fernandez, C., Effect of three pesticides used in salmon farming on ammonium uptake in central-southern and northern Patagonia, Chile, Frontiers in marine science. Accepted doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.602002
Jara, B., Tucca, F., Srain, B., Mejanelle, L., Aranda, M., Fernandez, C., Pantoja, S. Antibiotics florfenicol and flumequine in the water column and sediments of Puyuhuapi Fjord, Chilean Patagonia. Chemosphere, 275 130029. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130029
Taketani, R., Dini-Andrede, F., Beier, S., Fernandez, C. Editorial: Advancements in the Understanding of Anthropogenic Impacts on the Microbial Ecology and Function of Aquatic Environments. Frontiers in Marine Biology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.820697
Castillo, C., Fernandez, C., Gutiérrez, MH., Aranda, M., Urbina, M., Yáñez, J., Álvarez,A., Pantoja-Gutiérrez, S., (2020) Water column circulation drives microplastic distribution in the Martinez-Baker channels; a large Fjord ecosystem in Chilean Patagonia. Marine Pollution Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111591
Urbina, M.A., Luna-Jorquera, G., Thiel, M., Acuña-Ruz, T., Amenábar Cristi, M.A., Andrade, C., Ahrendt, C, Castillo, C, Chevallier, A., Cornejo-D’Ottone, M., Correa-Araneda, F., Duarte, C., Fernandez, C., Galvàn-Malagòn, C, Godoy, C., González-Aravena, M., Hinojosa I.A., Jorquera, A, Kiessling, T., Lardies, M.A., Lenzi, J., Mattar, C., Munizaga, M., Olguín-Campillay, N., Perez-Venegas, D. J., Portflitt-Toro, M., Pozo, K., Pulgar, J., Vargas, E. (2020) A. country’s response to tackling plastic pollution in aquatic ecosystems: The Chilean way” has been accepted for publication in Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/178341
Farías, L., E. Acuña, C. Aguirre, S. Álvarez, M. A. Barbieri, V. Delgado,
B. Dewitte, O. Espinoza, E. Pinilla, C. Fernaandez, P. Garrido, B. Jacob, N. Lagos, I. Masotti, D. Narváez, S. Navarrete, I. Pérez-Santos, L. Ramajo, L. Troncoso, C. Silva, L. Saavedra, D. Soto, C. A. Vargas, P. Winckler, C. Veas, E. Yáñez, A. Yévenes (2019). Propuestas para la actualización del Plan de Adaptación en Pesca y Acuicultura. Mesa Océanos-Comité Científico COP25; Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, Conocimiento e Innovación. 88 páginas.
Farías, L., Ubilla K., C. Aguirre, L. Bedriñana, R.Cienfuegos, V. Delgado, C. Fernandez, M. Fernández, A. Gaxiola, H. González, R. Hucke-Gaete, P. Marquet, Vivian Montecino, C.Morales, D. Narváez, M. Osses, B. Pe- ceño, E. Quiroga, L. Ramajo, H. Sepúlveda, D. Soto, E. Vargas, F.Viddi, J. Valencia. Nueve medidas basadas en el océano para las Contribuciones Determinadas a nivel Nacional de Chile. Comité científico COP25, mesa Océanos, 93 páginas.
Farías, L., C. Fernandez, R. Garreaud, L. Guzmán, S. Hormazábal, C. Morales, D. Narváez, S. Pantoja, I. Pérez, D. Soto y P. Winckler (2019). Propuesta de un Sistema Integrado de Observación del Océano Chileno (SIOOC). Santiago: Comité Científico COP25; Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, Conocimiento e Innovación.
Fernandez, C., Rain-Franco, A., Rojas, C., Molina, V. (2019) Ammonium release via dissolution and biological mineralization of food pellets used in salmon farming. Aquaculture Research. https://doi.org/10.1111/are.14428
Rain-Franco, A., Sobarzo, M., Fernandez, C., (2019) Variability of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in three freshwater influenced systems along central-southern Chile. Progress in Oceanography. 10.1016/j.pocean.2018.09.009.
Congresos Nacionales:
- Fernandez, C., El futuro es hoy. Conferencia magistral Congreso Cs del mar. Concepcion Chile. 2024.
- Castillo, C., Pantoja, S., Fernández, C, Gutiérrez, M. Aranda,M., Yáñez, J. Urbina, M. Microplastics in Fjords and channels from Southern Chile. XXXVIII Congreso ciencias del mar. Iquique 23-27 Mayo 2019.
Congresos Internacionales:
- Mestre, M, Fernández, C., Diez, B., McNichol, J. Fuhrman, J., Logares, R., Krafft, B., Höfer., Latitudinal Gradients and Vertical connectivity in the Southern Ocean microbiome. SCAR meeting. Pucon, Chile.
- Rain Franco, A., Peter, H., Moraes, P., Fernandez, C., Beier, S., Frequent pulse disturbances affect microbial community interactions and functioning: Experimental evidence using chemostats. SAME meeting Germany 2019.
- Maturana-Martínez, C, Fernández, C, & González HE Freshwater influence on the bacterioplanktonic community structure under contrasting characteristics: Case study of Fjords Yendegaia and Pia (Chilean Subantartic region). SAME meeting, Germany. Sept2019
- Núñez-Acuña,G, Sáez-Vera,C. Sanhueza-Guevara, S., Fernandez C, Gallardo-Escárate, C. Pesticides drugs used against sea lice cause transcriptome changes in the early stages of the non target species Choromytilus chorus. 3rd International Conference on Fish & Shellfish Immunology,Las Palmas, Spain, June 2019.