Líneas de investigación:
Ecología Vegetal; Ecología Funcional.
(56) 41-220 3418
- MARSDEN 20-UOW-041. Mycorrhizas, alternative stable states, and landscape partitioning in south-temperate forests. Coinvestigador. (2021-2024). University of Waikato, New Zealand – Universidad de Concepción.
- FONDECYT No 1211441. How did cacti colonize the hyperarid Atacama Desert? Unraveling the mechanism of hydrological niche evolution and diversification. Coinvestigador. (2021-2023). Universidad de Concepción.
- FONDECYT N° 1181688. Inferring invasion success, conservation value and ecosystem processes from functional plant traits in peri-urban emerging ecosystems in a Mediterranean-temperate gradient. Coinvestigador. (2018-2021). Universidad de Concepción.
- FONDECYT N° 1160583. Instantaneous speciation in a sympatric cactus mediated by hybridization and the establishment of reproductive barriers in coastal central Chile. Coinvestigador. (2016-2019). Universidad de Concepción.
- DFG-SPP Program 1803: EarthShape: Earth Surface Shaping by Biota (Alemania). Interactive plant-trait and climate effects on soil organic carbon along the Chilean coastal cordillera (2015-2019). Marburg University, Alemania – Universidad de Concepción. Coinvestigador.
- FONDECYT No 1140455. Potential for evolutionary responses to the decrease in the rainfall regime in vascular epiphytes’ functional traits in the temperate forest. Investigador Responsable. (2014-2019). Universidad de Concepción.
- “Canessa R., van den Brink L., Berdugo M., Hattenschwiler S., Rios R., Saldaña A., Tielboerger K., Bader M. 2022. Trait functional diversity explains mixture effects on litter decomposition at the arid end of a climate gradient. Journal of Ecology (in press)
- Hietz P., Wagner K., Nunes Ramos F., Cabral J. S., Agudelo C., Benavides A. M., Saldaña A… & G. Zotz. 2022. Putting vascular epiphytes on the traits map. Journal of Ecology 110(2): 340-358.
- Arbicheva A., Pautov A. & A. Saldaña. 2021. Water storage and transport in leaves of vesselless trees in the temperate rainforest of south-central Chile. Gayana Botánica 78(2): 141-155.
- Canessa R., van den Brink L., Saldaña A., Rios R. S., Hättenschwiler S., Mueller C. W., … & Bader M. Y. 2021. Relative effects of climate and litter traits on decomposition change with time, climate and trait variability. Journal of Ecology 109(1): 447-458.
- Fuentes N., Marticorena A., Saldaña A., Jerez V., Ortiz J. C., Victoriano P., … & Pauchard A. 2020. Multi-taxa inventory of naturalized species in Chile. NeoBiota 60: 25-41.
- Escandón A. B., Paula S., & Saldaña A. 2020. Root suckering promotes recruitment in two temperate rainforest trees with contrasting shade tolerance. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 44: 125531.
- Morales L. V., Alvear C., Sanfuentes C., Saldaña A., & Sierra-Almeida A. 2020. Annual and perennial high-Andes species have a contrasting freezing-resistance mechanism to cope with summer frosts. Alpine Botany 130(2): 169-178.
- Esquivel J., Echeverría C., Saldaña A., & Fuentes R. 2020. High functional diversity of forest ecosystems is linked to high provision of water flow regulation ecosystem service. Ecological Indicators 115: 106433.
- Morales L. V., Alvear C., Sanfuentes C., Saldaña A., & Sierra-Almeida A. 2020. Does the life-history strategy determine the freezing resistance of flowers and leaves of alpine herbaceous species? Alpine Botany 130: 157-168.
- Esquivel J., Pauchard A. & A. Saldaña. 2019. Efecto de la diversidad funcional sobre la tasa de evapotranspiración: un análisis anual de tres bosques templados chilenos. Gayana Botánica 76(2): 156-167.
- Carrasco-Urra F., Molina-Montenegro M. & A. Saldaña. 2019. ¿Pueden los rasgos funcionales hidráulicos ayudar a explicar los límites de distribución actual en dos especies de Nothofagus con hábito foliar contrastante? Gayana Botánica 76(2): 237-246.
- Madriaza K., Saldaña A., Salgado-Luarte C., Escobedo V.M. & E. Gianoli. 2019. Chlorophyll fluorescence may predict tolerance to herbivory. International Journal of Plant Sciences 180 (1): 81-85.
- Moreno-Chacón M. & A. Saldaña. 2019. α, β and γ-diversity of vascular epiphytes along the climatic gradient of continental Chile. New Zealand Journal of Botany 57(1): 18-31.
- Pincheira-Ulbrich J., Hernández C.E. & A. Saldaña. 2018. Consequences of swamp forest fragmentation on assemblages of vascular epiphytes and climbing plants: evaluation of the metacommunity structure. Ecology and Evolution 8(23): 11785-117987
- Carrasco-Urra F., Quezada I.M. & A. Saldaña. 2018. Variation in traits related to water transport in Nothofagus dombeyi helps to explain its latitudinal distribution limit in the Chilean Andes. Plant Ecology & Diversity 11(3): 307-317.
- Quezada I. M., Gianoli E. & A. Saldaña. 2018. Crassulacean acid metabolism and distribution range in Chilean Bromeliaceae: influences of climate and phylogeny. Journal of Biogeography 45: 1541–1549.
- Canessa R., Saldaña A., Ríos R. S. & E. Gianoli. 2018. Functional trait variation predicts distribution of alien plant species across the light gradient in a temperate rainforest. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 32: 49-55.
- Moreno-Chacón M., Mardones D., Viveros N., Madriaza K., Carrasco-Urra F., Marticorena A., Baeza C., Rodríguez R. & A. Saldaña. 2018. Flora vascular de un remanente de bosque esclerófilo mediterráneo costero: Estación de Biología Terrestre de Hualpén, Región del Biobío, Chile. Gayana Botánica 75 (1): 466-481.